Sunday, February 26, 2012

Analytical Response

- "The stark whiteness of the page is crucial to this work, as if anything had been drawn or painted on it, all impact would be lost."
- "A threatening soundtrack in the trailer to Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close creates the Jumanji atmosphere of helpless terror."

- "The effects of these photos are mesmerizing, and they have an unreal sense of breaking the laws of physics."
- "I've always wondered what it is about beaches that everybody loves."

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Spartan Reader: Before I die. . .

The black wall serves as a reminder that death is imminent, while the colorful chalk etchings cast a light of hope for all dreams to come true. "Before I die..."  is a public art project displaying the greatest dreams of citizens spanning across seven different countries. This wall is a refuge for anyone to come and confess their biggest dreams of what they hope to accomplish before they die. Representing a canvas free for expression, the once pure black surface is now covered in blue, yellow, and pink chalk phrases. Some scribed in sloppy letters and misspelled words, while others are precisely composed as if that dream had been written several hundred times across the cover of a school notebook.  Some are comical, "Before I die I want to buy a tiger," while others are more serious containing a sense of hope, "Before I die I want to find a cure for cancer."  Regardless if the dream is easy to accomplish or an outrageous, near impossible act, behind every single one is a strong sense of ambition and determination. The dreams become even more palpable and achievable by declaring them to the public.
If this were to be found on the wall of a house, the unorganized, inconsistent etchings would most likely spell disaster for the parents of uncontrollable children, but here, it's not only art, but a refuge that tells numerous stories while creating a sense of wonder and awe. One can only envision the authors and stories behind the listed dreams. Who would write such an outrageous thing and why would he/she want to do that? Was it a small, imaginative child, or perhaps a newly hired lawyer? The dreams scribed across the wall also assist the imaginations of the people who come across the wall to think of their own hopes, wishes, and dreams. Ultimately, this project strikes curiosity in hopes that all who see will create their own dreams and not settle until they are accomplished.

Monday, February 20, 2012

You Gotta Fight for Your Right to Party (or Just Do it Anyway)

What comes to mind when you think of college? In all honesty, I don't think of intellectual individuals with glasses sipping coffee and arguing the pros and cons of some far-fetched scenario like some would. I think about the parties. Not because I'm interested in attending them. I'm actually not in the least bit, but I think of parties just because that's what college has become renowned for. Alcohol has become the leading staple in the majority of college dorms and houses. Parties for "Thirsty Thursday," parties on game day, and parties just because they can. This lifestyle has become so common, but what the people at This American Life want to know . . . Why do they do it?
From a survey taken by several hundred college students across the United States, the number one party school is determined each year. This episode takes place throughout the campus of Penn State, the number one party school of 2009. This American Life sends a man and woman to interview college students, residents, college administrators, and local business owners about the newly claimed title; the results are surprising.
As the episode opens, loud screams and laughs can be heard in the background already setting the scene. It's only ten o'clock at night as the narrator describes drunken students stumbling down the streets, taking a pit stop to"water" a nearby resident's flowers. According to longtime resident, "it's typical." One can only imagine the things he would see on a night like this when an estimated 75% of students are drinking. But why do they drink so much? One student confesses, "We like the way it makes us feel," and another states, "If there was a 'drunk button', I would buy one." The audience learns from this scene that since alcohol leads to impaired judgement, fights, injuries, assaults, unwanted sexual experiences, getting behind in school work or even missing class are all very common.
From the stories told by students and average statistics, it seems like going to a "party school" is something I want to steer clear from as I make preparations for my future. The slurred speech and gibberish that the interviewed students present one after another creates an uncomfortable feeling. Knowing what potential nights like these hold, by placing oneself in any party scene automatically admits him into danger.  The students seem to treat college life as if it were microcosm where nothing can go wrong by living the "you only live once" lifestyle. Even the school seems to promote the partying idea by the easy accessibility to alcohol and the seemingly little punishment. The students appear to express very little self-awareness and responsibility making it easy for dangerous situations to arise. It is only the great hope of many that these students will soon become one with reality by taking responsibility for their actions and moving forward with their lives.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Short List 2-20-12

This year as I made a trip to the Chalk walk downtown, I came across a very peculiar, but amazing chalk design. It was what looked to be a huge black hole that had opened up from the ground with alien-like creatures climbing out of it. It's crazy how real it seemed; I was so intrigued. I decided to look it up and see if I could find similar pieces and sure enough I did. Above is another great example. 

Simple Silhouette
These aren't your ordinary portraits. They are silhouettes. These photos force me to wonder who that person is. What does he look like? Is he smiling for the shot or is he wincing in pain? Silhouettes create a story and capture the pure essence of the shot without revealing too much about the subject. The background takes the leading role of the photograph as it would otherwise be overlooked.

Before I die. . .
What do you want to do before you die? "Before I die..." is a wall of an old house in New Orleans, Louisiana painted with chalkboard paint. Here, people come to anonymously write their dreams of something they hope to do one day or something the want to accomplish before their lives on earth come to an end. Some are comical, some are really inspiring, some, well, I'm not really sure what to think.Take a look at the wall and let the responses speak for themselves.

Catching Fire Part Two

Continuing my venture through Catching Fire, I, once again, find myself utterly engrossed in another one of Suzanne Collins' magnificent works. With my last post, I left off just as Katniss received threats from President Snow. There is nothing she can do to protect herself besides confiding in her "mentor," Haymitch. As the Victory Tour is about to take off, they both know that nothing can be done except for obeying the president's orders. These orders include Katniss and Peeta pursuing their "star-crossed lovers" act. But their sweet kisses and tightly gripped hands seem more than an act. Ever since the games have come to a conclusion, both Peeta and Katniss experience vivid nightmares. On the train touring the country, Peeta crawls into bed with Katniss each night to provide her comfort, which also leads me to think there is obviously something strong between them regardless of what they say. Just as the tour is about to wrap up, Peeta proposes to Katniss as another act for the audience; President Snow isn't convinced which may lead to serious consequences that won't be in Katniss' favor.
As they return home, the final round of the tour is dinner at the mayor's house. Katniss finds herself in the mayor's office absorbed in what she finds on the television. Uprisings in District Eight. Just like the mayor said. She can't help but to blame herself for all of the negative reactions that have been taking place since the conclusion of the games. Later, she reunites with Gale, a close friend who has always been a little more than a friend. She leads him into the woods to confess to him everything. Here he lets an "I love you" slip out. Katniss can't respond in the same way, but it becomes clear to the reader that she probably feels the same way. In regards to the greater problem on hand (President Snow's threats) they conjure up the idea of running away, however this is almost immediately shut down after Gale is caught with game from the woods and receives several lashes. Katniss throws a fit as her mother attempts to ease his pain because she believes that he isn't given enough relief. As she apologizes to her mother for her outrageous actions, her mother responds, "I've heard worse. You've seen how people are, when someone they love is in pain." It finally hit her, "someone in love". She loves Gale. What is going to happen next? She is marrying Peeta. Katniss' confusion of her feelings for each of the boys only intensifies and the tension between the boys will continue to increase. With that aside, Katniss needs to make her decision whether to fight against the capitol fast before the country in its entirety destroys itself with uprisings.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Podcast Response: #1 Party School

In "#1 Party School" by This American Life, a team from the radio show heads to Penn State, the college voted number one party school in the United States (in 2009) by the Princeton review. This was determined by asking 120,000 students from 371 schools across the country questions like, "How widely used are alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs at your school? How big is frat life? How many hours a day do you spend studying?" In Act One, the team of individuals interviewed college students, nearby residents, and business owners in the area to gain a better understanding why Penn State has gained this title. The interviewers focus in on the students. Here we learn what a typical night is like on campus. During any night of the week, a party can always be found, but most of the action takes place on Friday nights and Saturdays due to the "pregame, during game, and post-game" celebrations. Drinking has only risen in popularity among college-aged students partially because it has become tied to the tradition and school spirit of the university. Act Two focuses on what it takes for local businesses to thrive in this area. It takes strategy to make money from flat-broke students. This act gives "tips" to stay in business such as, "keep cheap" and "like your customers." Once again, we see a common theme-it all ties back to drinking.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Catching Fire

Coming to the conclusion of The Hunger Games, I realized that I had a bigger problem on my hands than the fact I was about to finish an amazing book- I needed to get a hold of Catching Fire and fast! Luckily, a friend had my back and saved me from nights of miserable curiosity. I started the very moment it was placed upon my hands.

As The Hunger Games came to an end, Katniss and Peeta returned to their district to start the Victory Tour and this is where Catching Fire begins. As Katniss prepares for the arrival of her team of stylists, she gets an unexpected visit from the president of Panem, President Snow. He makes his animosity of Katniss clear by ranting about his disapproval of the stunt she pulled in the arena to save her and Peeta's lives. President Snow warns that there are potential uprisings of citizens across the district. Although she is back in what she thinks is the safety of her home district, President Snow reveals he knows about absolutely everything she has been up to, including spending time with a close friend, Gale. The president threatens to take Gale's life away if Katniss doesn't obey his every word. As he gets up, he whispers in her ear and leaves. Katniss describes it: "The smell of blood . . . it was on his breath. What does he do? I think. Drink it? I imagine him sipping it form a teacup. Dipping a cookie into the stuff and pulling it out dripping red."
Her descriptions make him seem animal-like, like a savage slithering through the districts seeking out his next victim. His presence creates apprehensive and uncomfortable feelings. He is a villain craving to destroy the lives of others, especially Katniss for her deceit. By referring to the blood as "stuff", the author creates an uneasy feeling as if Katniss felt uncomfortable saying the word blood again because it felt too real. As Catching Fire continues, Katniss' fear intensifies as she continues the journey that will decide her fate.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Lights Out

Opaque: A Unique Dining Experience
Turn off the lights, what do you see?
The eyes are the doors to mind and soul. Our observations constantly call upon a plethora of thoughts and questions-some known, some unknown. When the eyes are closed, the world becomes frozen as the mind becomes the dominant ruler. This also applies to the balancing act that our five senses play. When one is eliminated, the others' abilities become increasingly intense. By closing our eyes, we deracinate all possible thoughts to focus entirely upon one subject- in this case it's the sense of taste.
Studies prove that flavors of food are greatly enhanced when no light is to be found. Like electricity, the food acts as a conductor, pulling all currents of the mind and senses to focus exclusively on the food. Opaque wants to capture this essence of a phenomenon to share with the curious-minded, adventure-seeking human race. The utter darkness captures all familiarities and locks them away for this ineffable experience. It captures its guests, transporting them into an unknown abyss and forcing them into an uncomfortable state of being in hopes of creating a greater enlightenment of a new and unforgettable journey.
The vision-impaired, but specially trained personnel guide guests through every aspect of their new-found adventure. The menu changes frequently, offering a wide-array of opportunities for guests to experience. As the forkful of delectable cuisine enters the mouth, the taste buds come alive by capturing and savoring the flavor like antibodies would when attacking a virus. Every possible element of the meal is extracted, leading the individual to unknown place of serenity and pleasure.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Short List #2

Good Morning by Heikki Leis
Look at this picture once and you will see a man combing his scraggly beard, but look again, more closely this time, and you will see this isn't a black and white photograph, it's actually a drawing. Scrolling through Heikki Leis' collection "Good Morning," you will find well-proportioned facial features, realistic wrinkles, lines, and pores on the skin, and perfectly positioned shadows that make these portraits come alive.

Opaque: An Original Dinging experience
In studies regarding the tongue and tasting abilities, it is thought that dining in complete darkness will richly enhance the flavor of the food. Located in five major cities across the United States, Opaque continues to grow in popularity. Specially trained personnel guide guests through the dining in the dark experience. Something completely out of the norm, yet something even I (who can be afraid of the dark at many times) would love to experience.

"Attempted suicide jumping from basement window."

"Bipolar optimist with HIV. Surviving. Thriving."

"Book in hand, dog in lap."

Six-Word Memoirs
This is a site that I came across awhile ago while doing some work with an online charity. This a place where anyone can go to leave their testimony, struggles, jokes, or release any emotions they may be feeling at the time- but only in six words, of course. By scrolling through the main page, you start to wonder, who are these people? What makes them say such things? For people who like to release their inner-most thoughts and emotions but don't like or have the time to ramble about on blogs or journals, Six-Word Memoirs is the perfect place to go.

Hungry for More: Part 2

Ask anyone who has read this book, it's not hard to find the way to the end in a short period of time. After ending it, I have to say this is on my list of top five favorite books. Putting aside the annoying hype for the upcoming movie, I was utterly engrossed from start to finish. In my last post, I left off at the moment just as the Hunger Games were beginning. Boy, a lot happened in the final two-hundred pages of this novel. Once again, I will not equivocate in telling effete summations of a familiar book. The following are some of my favorite moments.

Two very prominent relationships arose during the Hunger Games. One between Katniss and Rue, the other between Katniss and Peeta.

“I can feel Peeta press his forehead into my temple and he asks, 'So now that you've got me, what are you going to do with me?' I turn into him. 'Put you somewhere you can't get hurt.” As the Hunger Games begin, it is revealed that Peeta is in love with the other tribute from his disctrict, Katniss, This throws in a whole new twist because only one can win. Katniss has already made it clear that Peeta is no one of her interest. As the Games continue, her thoughts are often revolving around Peeta- wondering if he's dead, if he was lying about loving her, and so on. As the Games narrow down to only six tributes, the Gamemakers announce that two can win if they are form the same district. Immediately, Katniss goes to find Peeta. Upon her arrival, he was in an alarming state on the verge of death. Without Katniss tending to his wounds and caring for him, it is likely he wouldn't have survived. The previous quote from Katniss shows how a person would do anything to survive and keep loved ones alive as well. It also shows the beginning of their progressing relationship. By the conclusion of the novel, we are left to wonder if all that had happened between the two was for the audience or if it actually was truly authentic.

Midway through the Games, Katniss makes an alliance with a younger girl tribute named Rue. Together they make a strong team, teaching each other survival skills and knowledge of their own. Unfortunately, Rue is captured and speared. In her last moments Katniss is by her side. One of Rue's last requests is to win, not for the sake of Katniss and her district, but for Rue as well. By becoming so attached to Rue, it becomes Katniss' mission. Rue's other final request is to sing to her. Choking back tears, Katniss sings a lullaby, one that is a little to ironic to the present situation:
“Deep in the meadow, hidden far away
A cloak of leaves, a moonbeam ray
Forget your woes and let your troubles lay
And when it's morning again, they'll wash away
Here it's safe, here it's warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you.” 
Katniss drapes a canvas of flowers over Rue's body and leaves the scene with only a small memory of a girl who saved her life. She owes her the winning title of the Hunger Games and she won't accept anything less.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Spartan Reader

Best of the World 2012
 A picture can only do so much to represent the actual image, but when it's all an individual has to rely on, it most certainly lives up to it's worth of a thousand words. Nobody examines pictures of Fort Wayne and thinks, "WOW! I want to go there!" That seems almost rudely sarcastic, nevertheless, it just makes every other place even more exciting to visit. It almost becomes a fantasy until the returning to a fiery, corn-filled hell the second that individual steps back into familiar territory. Each hop of the border or cross of the pond, one enters into a foreign world, like walking into kindergarten class for the first time. There is always something chimerical about it--a new learning experience, a new adventure.

From the cool, flowing waters of Iceland to the serene villas that rest upon the pristine beaches of Koh Lipe, Thailand, these photos prove that there are a vast number of microcosmic components to make up the home that nearly seven billion call their own, Mother Earth. A simple glance can act as a super power teleporting one's mind into a new world, one he thinks he knows so well, but in all reality, hasn't the least bit idea. There are Polar opposites of busy port cities in Croatia to the frozen and abandoned Siberian taiga of Mongolia. The steaming Geysers of New Zealand are complements to the smoke filled air surrounding the volcanoes partitioned among Rwanda, Uganda, and the Dominican Republic of the Congo, but are entirely different at the same time. Compared to the endless possibilities of jaw-dropping scenery or foreign lands, it's a wonder how Pittsburgh claimed a spot in the list of "Best of the World". Regardless, this list of only a small percentage of this wondrous world is filled with endless possibilities. Whether it be indigenous cultures,  innovative architecture, or the best of earth's natural elements, the world provides beauty, adventure, and boundless learning experiences in a mysterious multitude of ways.