Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Spartan Reader: Before I die. . .

The black wall serves as a reminder that death is imminent, while the colorful chalk etchings cast a light of hope for all dreams to come true. "Before I die..."  is a public art project displaying the greatest dreams of citizens spanning across seven different countries. This wall is a refuge for anyone to come and confess their biggest dreams of what they hope to accomplish before they die. Representing a canvas free for expression, the once pure black surface is now covered in blue, yellow, and pink chalk phrases. Some scribed in sloppy letters and misspelled words, while others are precisely composed as if that dream had been written several hundred times across the cover of a school notebook.  Some are comical, "Before I die I want to buy a tiger," while others are more serious containing a sense of hope, "Before I die I want to find a cure for cancer."  Regardless if the dream is easy to accomplish or an outrageous, near impossible act, behind every single one is a strong sense of ambition and determination. The dreams become even more palpable and achievable by declaring them to the public.
If this were to be found on the wall of a house, the unorganized, inconsistent etchings would most likely spell disaster for the parents of uncontrollable children, but here, it's not only art, but a refuge that tells numerous stories while creating a sense of wonder and awe. One can only envision the authors and stories behind the listed dreams. Who would write such an outrageous thing and why would he/she want to do that? Was it a small, imaginative child, or perhaps a newly hired lawyer? The dreams scribed across the wall also assist the imaginations of the people who come across the wall to think of their own hopes, wishes, and dreams. Ultimately, this project strikes curiosity in hopes that all who see will create their own dreams and not settle until they are accomplished.

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