Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Week 5 Top Links

Elementary Love Notes by Wonderstruck
The first one catches my eye-- a torn piece of paper with a child's handwriting scribed in sloppy, uneven letters--it's a love note. It takes me back to my early school years remembering receiving those notes with an original drawing on the front and the infamous question with check-boxes on the back.

Most Endangered Animals by A Puppy's Point of View
So much can be learned from this article. Being an animal lover myself, this article and the images make me want to take action and prevent their extinction!

On The Effect of Heavier Things 
It's really neat how this author chose to write about a topic other than what he can easily find on the internet. By writing about something he is familiar with, in this case a classmate's band, the article may become more personable and interesting.

Much Madness Is Divinest Sense
Seeing a car driving through a tree isn't something most people would see everyday. The author then proceeds to explain that this article submission would contain photos of family vacation through the 48 contiguous states. Something I have aspired to do my whole life, but have not had the opportunity to do, taking a virtual tour seems to be the next best thing.

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